Congressional Medal of Honor Society


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My Challenge to You: Modification for Distance Learning Lesson | Medal of Honor Secondary Education


Any Recipient with a Living History video can be substituted for this lesson, but the teacher will need to adapt the worksheet accordingly. Gary B. Beikirch Vietnam War 1970 - Dak Seang Special Forces A Camp, Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam Have students complete the worksheet. Alternatively

An Unlikely Hero: Modification for Distance Learning Lesson | Medal of Honor Secondary Education


Download Here An Unlikely Hero: Modification for Distance Learning - Worksheet Word Document Download Here Gary L. Littrell Vietnam War 1970 - Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam Provide each student with the worksheet and links to the Gary Littrell Living History Video, Gary Littrell Portrait of Valor

Citation Investigation: Analyzing Narrative - Modification for Distance Learning Lesson | Medal of Honor Secondary Education


those who were awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. Full text of all Recipient citations can be found at on each Recipients’ page. Gary B. Beikirch Vietnam War 1970 - Dak Seang Special Forces A Camp, Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam Provide students with the worksheet and a copy

Veterans Day Reflections: Honor in the Face of Conflict Lesson | Medal of Honor Secondary Education


Download Here Gary B. Beikirch Vietnam War 1970 - Dak Seang Special Forces A Camp, Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam Ask students to brainstorm ways that we honor veterans in the United States.  Guide students to think of not only Veterans Day, but also other ways veterans are honored throughout

Medal of Honor Analyze Citation Lesson for 6-12 Grade


. Beikirch Vietnam War 1970 - Dak Seang Special Forces A Camp, Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam Find an appropriate Recipient citation and space the text so that the citation can easily be cut into 4 to 6 sections; print out several copies. The citation pieces should be shuffled and placed

Middle/High School Lesson - An Unlikely Hero


Living History Video Open video in new window Gary Littrell Portrait of Valor Download Here Gary L. Littrell Vietnam War 1970 - Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam Prepare the classroom with large flip chart paper at each corner of the classroom with one of the following questions written on each