Congressional Medal of Honor Society


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Discover the Stories of Medal of Honor Recipients with Our Living History Videos

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Recipient Gary Rose went beyond the call of duty and received the Medal of Honor for his service in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War as a Special Forces medic.  Between Sept. 11-14, 1970, Rose’s company was engaged by a hostile enemy force. Rose, a sergeant at the time, braved fire to aid

In Memoriam - Hiroshi Miyamura and Frank Herda

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the attack. For these actions, President Richard M. Nixon presented Herda with the Medal of Honor at the White House in Washington, D.C., on May 14, 1970. After the war, Herda served 33 years as a systems analyst for the U.S Department of Defense. A lover of science fiction, he authored the book

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Calvin Rogers: The Most Senior Black Soldier Ever Awarded the Medal of Honor

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encouragement and reassurance to his troops. Due in no small part to his courageous leadership, 1st Battalion prevailed and the NVA force was repelled. On May 14, 1970, President Richard Nixon bestowed the Medal of Honor on LTC Charles Rogers, making him the highest-ranking Black soldier to ever

3 Dentists Who Received the Medal of Honor

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was recommended again in 1951 but denied due to time constraints. In 1969 and 1970, the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army and the Secretary of the Army recommended Salomon; again, there was no action taken. In 1998, he was recommended once again, this time through Congressman Brad Sherman and members of the USC

Get to Know These Medal of Honor Recipients during Hispanic Heritage Month

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a Communist attack in Quang Ngai Province in 1970. Though seriously wounded, he became a one-man army, taking on attackers from exposed positions under heavy fire. A final charge at an amassing group of the enemy dispersed a final threat to his platoon and set the rest of the attackers into retreat

Football and the Medal of Honor

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the Medal of Honor for his actions on Nov. 10, 1943. Although his days of playing football were over, Britt remained an influential figure in his home state of Arkansas, eventually being elected Lieutenant Governor for two terms from 1966-1970. Douglas MacArthur Football may not be what comes to mind

Men of Faith: Medal of Honor Chaplains

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. It was discovered after the firefight that Chaplain Liteky carried over 20 men to safety while sustaining his own wounds. His incredible heroism awarded him the Medal of Honor on November 19, 1968. Captain Liteky resigned from the Army in 1970 and later left the priesthood. He married a former nun