Congressional Medal of Honor Society

Stories of Sacrifice

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U.S. Civil War - U.S. Navy

Oliver Albert O'Brien

  • Rank: Coxswain (Highest Rank: Acting Master's Mate)
  • Conflict/Era: U.S. Civil War
  • Unit/Command:
    U.S. Sloop John Adams
  • Military Service Branch: U.S. Navy
  • Medal of Honor Action Date: November 28, 1864
  • Medal of Honor Action Place: Sullivan's Island Channel, South Carolina, USA
Served as coxswain on board the U.S. sloop John Adams, Sullivan's Island Channel, 28 November 1864. Taking part in the boarding of the blockade runner Beatrice while under heavy enemy fire from Fort Moultrie, O'Brien, who was in charge of one of the boarding launches, carried out his duties with prompt and energetic conduct. This action resulted in the firing of the Beatrice and the capture of a quantity of supplies from her.
Additional Details
  • Accredited to: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
  • Awarded Posthumously: No
  • Born: 1839, Boston, Suffolk County, MA, United States
  • Died: October 1, 1894, Glouchester, MA, United States
  • Buried: St. Ann's Oak Hill Cemetery (MH), Glouchester, MA, United States

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